Presidents Update – May 2019

President’s Update
May 1, 2019

To All NGJA Members,
With the completion of all the JO Regional competitions and the NCAA Championships, here is a quick NGJA update as
we near the end of the season:

  1. FIG Newsletter 35 – this latest newsletter from the FIG has been posted at under the Latest FIG News
    box. Make sure to review this information.
  2. The remaining 2019 judging season – The judging season is almost over with only 3 competitions remaining:
    a. JO Nationals – May 2-5 in Reno, NV
    b. US Qualifier – July 4-7 at the USOTC in Colorado Springs, CO
    c. USA Championships – Aug. 8-11 in Kansas City, MO
  3. NCAA Championships – the 2019 NCAA Championships was a tremendously exciting event and extremely well
    judged!!! Congratulations to all the judges at this event who did an outstanding job!
  4. 2019 NCAA Judging Season – for a final look at the statistics from the 2018 season, go to
    then Men, then Charts, then All Team Charts to see the Home/Away difference!
  5. 2020 Olympic Trials – USA Gymnastics has announced the date and location for the 2020 Olympic Trials. The
    competition will be held June 25-28, 2020 at the Enterprise Center in St. Louis, MO.
  6. 2020 National Event Calendar – Just a reminder to everyone for planning purposes… the 2020 event calendar
    will be compressed due to the Olympic Trials being held at the end of June 2020. This means the USA
    Championships will occur in early June.
    I hope you had a successful 2019 judging season!
    Mike Juszczyk
    NGJA President