Become a Judge

Are you interested in becoming a Men’s Gymnastics Judge?

Please follow the links below and perform each step to become a judge.

Once you have joined the NGJA, you will need to find a course near you to get certified.

General Course Information

Each year the NGJA holds certification courses to certify officials. Most certification courses are presented between Oct 15 and December 15. Typically there is only one course per state that will last 1 – 2 days. Course agendas will vary slightly by state and course director. Anyone interested in becoming an NGJA official will need to follow this process to become a judge.

  • Identify a certification course near you to attend. Go to the course sign up link and click on NGJA Certification Course. This will identify where courses are located and who the contacts are in your area. All courses are taught live, on-line certification is not available at this time.
  • Determine the certification level you are interested in attaining (Jr. Olympic and/or National)
  • Contact the course director for specific information on their course
  • Register for the course through the NGJA website on the Course Sign Up link
    • Pay NGJA fee of $25
    • Pay local association dues and course fees at the course site (fees can vary so check with your course director)
  • Study the appropriate material to pass the course – see Course Preparation below
  • Attend the course and take the certification test
  • Pass the course for the certification level you desire

Course Preparation

Attaining your NGJA certification will require hours of preparation and study time. Most courses are designed to re-certify existing judges. New officials are strongly encouraged to solicit the help of existing members to prepare for their course. Preparation for the NGJA certification course requires the following:

  • Obtain and study the FIG Code of Points – this information can be found on the NGJA website
  • Obtain and study the USAG Jr. Olympic program materials – this can be purchased on-line at
  • Obtain all document updates from the NGJA website for FIG, NGJA and Jr. Olympic
  • Review all videos posted on the NGJA website
  • Find a current NGJA member and arrange to study/prepare with them

Please contact the NGJA for more information.