Presidents Update – August 2016

President’s Update
August 25, 2016
To All NGJA Members,
Following is a summary of the “key initiatives” being addressed by the NGJA during the summer:

  1. Fall Certification Courses
    a. NGJA National and JO Courses – Dean Schott and Craig Nesbitt have been working with many of
    your fellow NGJA members over the summer to develop the course materials for this fall. Since
    there is a new Code of Points and JO Program materials, there will be new tests and videos for
    everyone at their courses. This is a massive effort by over 25 different individuals to complete
    these materials by Sept 1
    b. New Registration and Testing System – The NGJA will launch this fall to all of its
    members. This new software will handle all membership registrations and online testing for all
    members. You will receive more information on this in the coming weeks.
  2. 2016 Olympic Challenge – hopefully many of you are participating in this fun and exciting judging
    contest! There are cash prizes and Olympic apparel at stake as well as bragging rights. This is a great
    way to learn the new rules and I hope you are taking advantage of this. If you are not on a team, you
    can still judge the videos and compare your work to the evaluations posted at
  3. Fall Compulsory and Optional Judges Challenges – these challenges will start in late September and are a
    great way for you to judge “real” JO compulsory and optional routines. This is a great way to learn the
    new rules and prepare for the upcoming JO season.
  4. NCAA Program update – The NGJA is currently in preliminary discussions with the NCAA coaches on two
    initiatives. Both of these initiatives are in the early stages of discussion and development.
    a. The NGJA has formed a subcommittee to develop criteria for the selection of judges to officiate
    NCAA Conference and NCAA championships competitions. The subcommittee will formulate a
    methodology for selection, which will be forwarded to the NCAA for approval. If accepted the
    NGJA will begin to use this selection procedure in the fall of 2017.
    b. The NGJA and NCAA coaches are also considering identifying NCAA National Apparatus Leaders
    (NALs). If accepted, this program would also start in the fall of 2017. The D1 judges assigned to
    the NCAA Championships would become NCAA NALs for a one year period and work with the JO
    and USAG NALs. A job description for this position is in development by the NCAA
    subcommittee and will be published if accepted by the NCAA.
    Congratulations to Alex Naddour and Danell Leyva on their medals at the Olympic Games!!!
    Look for another update in September as the fall courses are about to begin! Enjoy your last days of summer,
    fall is coming fast…
    Mike Juszczyk
    NGJA President