December 1, 2019
To All NGJA Members,
Here is an NGJA update for December 2019.
- The 2019-2020 JO Season has begun – many states have already begun their JO seasons and many more will start in the next few weeks. Make sure you are prepared for your assignments and review the materials available at
- JO and National tests online – don’t procrastinate!!! Take both your JO and National tests asap. Of the 560 NGJA members who have registered for their courses, just under 400 judges have taken their tests online!
- NCAA Challenge Starts December 4 – everyone who judges NCAA competitions, should participate in this program!
- Emphasis on applying FIG rules at NCAA competitions
- 4 week competition with awards
- This is the best tool to improve your optional judging at all levels
- Congratulations to all judges selected to NCAA and USA Championships – all assignments to these championship meets can be found at Special Comment: 2020 is an NGJA election year – to vote for regional and national officers you must have a National rating as stated in the NGJA Bylaws. I am reminding everyone of this requirement, in advance and to encourage everyone who wishes to participate in the upcoming elections to take the National test. Those who only take the JO exam and pass are not eligible to vote for regional and national officers.
- Happy holidays to everyone!!!
Mike Juszczyk
NGJA President